Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Solomon Katz

March 20, 2020

I am middle class, make my own investment decisions, and one of the best decisions I have made is to purchase ProShares leveraged funds, especially in the recent bull market. I understand I could lose disproportionately, but the gains have also been disproportionate, the whole point to leveraged funds. I employ a buy and hold strategy, am not a trader, and the gains have made a real difference in my portfolio, especially as I approach retirement. I also purchased these funds in my 20's daughter's Roth IRA. In the coming forty years until her retirement, the market will most likely advance significantly and her gains will double the markets advance, with little risk in such a long term framework. I have mostly bought ROM, the inverse fund for the tech sector, which will certainly advance over time. I understand there is increased risk, but also reward, and these investments should be allowed by the SEC, without too much encumbrance. Actually, these funds are held in my Vanguard account, and Vanguard will no longer allow further purchases already one layer of encumbrance. But I have benefited greatly from their availability. Thanks