Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Mauny Muray

March 13, 2020

I have read the proposed rule, and I object to it strongly I have been a private investor my entire life. I buy hold. I buy sell. The market has ups downs. As a downside insurance to a serious correction, or economic downturn, it is the only the inverse funds that give protection, not only for guys like me. For all the years of trading, when there are so many types of investments - securities, options, long short - why is there suddenly a desire to focus on one investment vehicle that has never impacted the overall health of the markets? As for the small investor, anyone with several hundred dollars in stock, and experience in trading should be free to trade inverse funds. If the idea is to only limit trading these funds to a certain segment of investors, then please look at the unfairness of it. Please shelf this proposal. Let people exercise their freedom to trade as equals. The brokerages themselves do their proper screening, so leave it at that.

Thank you