Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Susan Ritter

March 10, 2020

Dear Sirs,
Regarding your proposed ruling for restricting investors from specific types of investments, I have concern about the over-reach this establishes for my financial decision-making. The stock market is a risk environment that requires users to be aware of the risks and cognizant of each investment they hold. It is the right and responsibility of all individuals in the United States to manage their investments properly. Information is readily available as well as a wide variety of knowledgeable advisors. I have handle my personal investments with due diligence throughout my adult life, taking advantage of the information and knowledge available. I review my accounts daily and stay abreast of the national and international news so that I may understand the volatility within my accounts. I maintain a distributed portfolio within and outside the stock market and do not expect nor desire any outside entity to impose their opinion on how I manage my own affairs. It is with great disappoint that I see this rule being discussed. It aligns with the loss of freedoms that are eroding our American way of life. I do not want your help. Thank you.