Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Don Corzine

February 22, 2020

I am totally against the SEC proposal that would make it burdensome to by, or even prevent me from buying leveraged and inverse funds. I have been an investor for 40 years. I have an MBA from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. I fully understand the rewards and risks involved in these funds. Often, I can use a certain inverse fund to protect my portfolio. Please, do not take this ability away from me. These regulations are unnecessary, bad for investors, and it would be a dangerous precedent. Requiring one to qualify to purchase a security in the public markets would be an unjustified break with how the SEC's regulation of the sale of securities in the public markets has worked for nearly 90 years. Please continue to give investors and their advisors the freedom to make their own investment decisions. Do not implement the proposed regulation. Thank you.