Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Sven Serneels

February 21, 2020

Dear Sirs
I would like to object to the implementation of Rule #S7-24-15. Investing involves risk and that is clear to any investor entering the market. Leveraged products have a volatility that scales with the leverage factor (for the positive case), which is obvious as well. Investors who buy these products are aware what they are buying. Restricting access to these products is a very bad idea. I feel that the motivation is off as well. It feels that this rule is designed to make sure that during a market downtowrn, banks can keep making profitable, while the rule limits individual investors to take countermeasures, and makes it much more difficult for indivduals not to get wiped out. It also sets a very dangerous precedent limiting market and civil liberties. What is next? Will the SEC limit access to bond trading or short selling?
Please rethink this half baked rule.