Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Susan Graf

February 19, 2020

I understand that the SEC may establish new regulations impacting investors by limiting use of leveraged and inverse funds such as those offered by ProShares I protest this action. I am a small investor and understand completely the risks and advantages of using both inverse and leveraged ETF's. Making these ETF's unavailable to me would seriously curtail my success abd the advantages I have been able to employ as a successful investor. I have appreciate these instruments in that they have helped to level the playing field for me as a small investor. I believe that you error if you establish the proposed limitations by protecting those who do not bother to inform themselves concerning their investing at cost to those who take the time to become informed. These ETF's are not much different than trading options as far as I can understand Limiting the use of inverse and leveraged ETF's is not a protection that falls within the purpose of the SEC. Leveraged and inverse ETF's are not illegal instruments, nor do they exist to break laws or set up scams. Please consider my input on this very important matter.