Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: Neil Hahn

February 20, 2020

It has come to my attention that the SEC is proposing rules that could make it more difficult for individual investors such as myself to buy leveraged and inverse funds. As I said, I am an individual investor who handles all aspects of the investment of the funds I have. As such, I do my own research into appropriate investments, and then make my own decisions on just how I invest. I understand the risks associated with any investment, and I take full responsibility for the results of those investments. As a result of this research, I have decided to make leveraged funds a critical portion of my investment portfolio. I feel it is absolutely unnecessary for the SEC to attempt to tell me which investments are appropriate for my investments. Leveraged funds have risk, as do any investments in any stock, ETF, or Mutual fund, and it should be up to the individual investor to determine their comfort level with that investment. I appreciate the SEC's important function to make sure the stock markets are a fair and truthful place for all investors. However, beyond ensuring that all investments provide truthful information so that investors can make intelligent decisions about their investments, I do not feel it is appropriate for the SEC to limit investors ability to make those investment decisions. Investors need the ability to make their own decisions, and take their own risks. Leveraged and inverse funds provide a unique ability for investors to make enhanced returns -- with enhanced risk. But, all investments carry risk -- some more than others. It's up to the individual investor to determine if the risk is appropriate for his investment goals. I believe it is inappropriate for the SEC to restrict access to leveraged and inverse funds. Let us, as investors, make our own decisions about what is or is not appropriate risk for our investment goals. I applaud the SEC's role in ensuring that information is available, accurate, and truthful with regard to individual investments so that we can make informed decisions. But, I do not believe it is the SEC's role to limit access to lawful investments.