Subject: File No. S7-24-15
From: John Edlin

January 30, 2020

Enter your comments here.i am a savvy individual investor. For over 5 years I have used various double and triple leveraged funds but they have never exceeded 10% of my total portfolio. I have held one, TQQQ for 5 years with a return of 425%. That has allowed me to have great annual returns with the rest of my portfolio invested in more conservative stocks. After all TQQQ is composed of great American companies like Apple, Microsoft and Amazon. Disconcerting these funds would force me into higher risk stocks. Currently I am well prepared for retirement. For someone with a long time horizon they are the perfect investment tool. I have even put some money away for my 3 year granddaughter, half in UDOW and half in TQQQ. Over time I consider this a very safe investment.