Subject: File Number S7–24–15 (RIN 3235–AL60): Use of Derivatives by Registered Investment Companies and Business Development Companies
From: Joseph Cisewski, Senior Derivatives Consultant and Special Counsel
Affiliation: Better Markets, Inc.

Mar. 24, 2020


Please see the attached. This may be a duplicate (see our confirmation below). However, because that comment letter does not appear in the current comment file, we would like to ensure our comment is included in the administrative record. 

Thanks very much, 

Joseph R. Cisewski
Senior Derivatives Consultant and Special Counsel

Better Markets, Inc. 
1825 K Street, NW 
Suite 1080 
Washington, DC 20006 
(202) 618-6464

(Attached File #1:s72415-6990690-214678.png)(Attached File #2:s72415-6990691-214678.pdf)