Subject: N/A
From: Bill Hazelton

Mar. 18, 2020

Comment on SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15: 

Leveraged and inverse ETF funds are a critical component of protecting my portfolio and providing insurance against violent swings in the equity and bond markets. I'm fully aware of the pros/cons of these investment vehicles. Quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of financial institutions such as the SEC stacking the odds against the small investor in favor of the "smart money", aka, larger financial institutional players. The bond and equity markets are very clearly rigged in such a way to benefit these larger players and this is just another method of undermining the small investors ability to compete against these financial players that are designed to take advantage of smaller investors like myself. It's infuriating to see how often small investors are taken advantage of by restricting or limiting investor choices in favor of financial institutions that are bought and paid for by special interests and elected "officials". Incredibly frustrating and infuriating to watch investor choices stripped away like this. 

Bill Hazelton