Subject: N/A
From: Robbie Miles

Mar. 18, 2020

Comment on SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15: 

Please do not make it more difficult or impossible for individual investors like me to invest in inverse and/or levered ETFs. 

I need these inverse and/or levered ETFs in order to protect and grow my wealth in the face of major bear markets, reduce my risks and diversify my investments more effectively and efficiently. 

Inverse and levered ETFs are much easier, more intuitive and less risky for me to invest in than futures, options, swaps, margin loans, borrowing and selling short, etc. 

Without inverse and levered ETFs, it will be much more difficult or impossible for me to protect and grow my wealth in the future, given the numerous risks facing investors, particularly the inevitable risk of deep and long bear markets. 

Robbie Miles