Subject: N/A
From: Jonathan Dallwitz

Mar. 18, 2020

Comment on SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15: 

Dear sir/madam, 

I respectfully object to your proposed change to Rule #S7-24-15. 

I currently invest in leveraged and inverse funds as a way of hedging my investment portfolio and seeking better returns for myself and my family. I have a strong understanding of these funds, including the risks thereof. I do not wish for any third party to evaluate my capability to invest in these funds. 

Furthermore, this proposal to require some kind of qualification to purchase a security in the public markets appears to me to be incongruent with the SEC's long standing system that gives me as an investor the freedom and choice to make my own investment decisions. 

I request that you do not continue with this proposal. Thank you. 

Jonathan Dallwitz