Subject: N/A
From: Joseph Zappia

Mar. 18, 2020

Comment on SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15: 

It has come to my attention that the SEC is looking to put into effect regulations that will make it tedious at best to trade leveraged and inverse funds. This is over-reaching. It is clear how MOST of these products work and what they're purpose is. There is a prospectus, as well as much reading material. I don't appreciate blanketing the entire leveraged and inverse universe of the nonsense that you propose. 

I DO agree, however, that there is a necessity to regulate the use of leveraged and inverse funds involving volatility...VIX. A look back at the events of early 2018 is all that is needed to see that this is true. These VIX products are much too complicated for most investors and need SEC intervention to require that the people using them actually understand fully how they operate. 

But it needs to end there. Leave the rest of them alone. Instead of wasting excessive time here, please spend more time taking our info and acting upon obvious instances of insider trading that are brought to your attention. That is the service that investors sorely need, and we are not getting it. 

Joseph Zappia