Mar. 17, 2020
Comment on SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15: To whom it may concern, The availability of leveraged ETFs hold an important place for retail investor proposals. These ETFs allow access to investors to have affordable leverage in risk-parity and/or asset balanced portfolios. Leveraged stock funds like SSO and UPRO allow investors to seek enhanced returns in markets where we see stock uptrend while leveraged bond funds like TMF allow for investors to hedge against the stock market in order to protect against downside. These ETFs allow provide tools for retail investors to re-balance to their desired asset allocations without needing to sell other assets in order to reduce tax exposure. I urge the SEC to reconsider rule #S7-24-15 as removal of these ETFs will have a material impact on many retail investors who use these funds as short term and long term tools in their investment strategies. Regards, Edward Ho