Subject: N/A
From: Roger Niewiadomski

Mar. 17, 2020

Comment on SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15: 

I'm told that you feel that you are more qualified to decide if I can trade ETF's than my brokerage firm which is TD Ameritrade. I trade in our account almost on a daily basis. I fully understand that ETF's are designed for short term investing but one sometimes gets caught up where a trade turns out to be longer due to reverse splits, personal issues, etc. I have no problem with the fees they charge. That's part of doing business. The last thing our great nation needs is for certain agencies or entities doing "Big Brother" tactics. TD Ameritrade is constantly sending me emails with links to connect to any new ETF that I decide to trade to read their prospectus and risks. TD Ameritrade has been VERY responsible and informative when my trades include ETF's. It's upsetting to hear the SEC feels it would do a better job than my brokerage firm and possibly prohibit me & my wife from trading ETF's. I respectfully request that the SEC back off and let my broker do their business. They are very professional and keep their clients well informed. 
Thank You