Subject: N/A
From: Al Rietti

Mar. 17, 2020

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Comment on SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15: 

Enter your comments here.Dear SEC, 

I am writing this comment to protest against your proposal to restrict access to leveraged / inverse funds. 

As the rules are today the small retail investor is already discriminated against. For example the small retail investor is limited for as far as the number of day trade transactions he is allowed to execute in a five day period . 

Thus, the small retail investor is afforded less opportunity to invest using his limited capital. Therefore I strongly protest against your proposal to further restrict access to leveraged inverse funds, and any future move to place restrictions on the small retail investor. 

In addition, I strongly urge you to remove existing limitations on the small retail investor such as the one mentioned above. 

Thank you for reading this comment and best regards, 

Al Rietti