Subject: N/A
From: Gerald Finlayson

Mar. 17, 2020

Comment on SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15: 


This comment is to request that the SEC reject the proposed rules for limiting the ability of investors to buy into leveraged or inverse funds currently available in the financial markets. 

As a retail investor, I am fully aware of the risks involved (potential large losses, decay over time, etc) of leveraged vehicles. I invest in them prudently and carefully as part of an overall balanced portfolio approach. They have been very beneficial to me to utilize in this manner and my family would be harmed by the implementation of these new regulations. 

Additionally, this rule would be an overbearing burden inserted into our free markets. Our open and free investing markets have largely been responsible for making the United States the proud financial capital of the world. 

Thank you for your consideration of my comments. 

Gerald Finlayson