Subject: S7-24-15
From: George R. Packard

Feb. 22, 2020

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Commissioners,

I am 78 years old and am late in saving for retirement. I am using
fidelity investments as my broker. I have allocated about 6-10 % of my
investment portfolio to invest in leveraged funds. I do so after about
3-4 years of making particular investments in what I discern are sectors
which I am fairly confident will go up over the near term. I also watch
these investments closely several times in a week. these funds have
helped me grow my savings more rapidly. I have not invested in inverse
funds because I do not understand them as well as the leveraged.

Please do not take away my freedom to invest in these funds. I can
understand that some investors might get in over their heads in such
funds, which may require special rules, as do options. but please do not
eliminate them from possible investments for small retail investors. If
special rules are required they should be as easy  with which to comply
not prohibitive.

Thankyou for considering this recommendation and request.

George R. Packard

1300 Escalante Street, Santa Fe, NM  87505