Subject: File No. S7-23-19
From: Francine Vidockler, Esquire
Affiliation: Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseer

January 30, 2020

RE: File Number S7-23-19

Dear Mr. Clayton and Commissioners of the SEC,

I am a citizen of the USA, a working lawyer who always votes. Most importantly, I am a mother of two, grandmother of two (so far), and I am extremely troubled about the rapidly accelerating impact of climate change on my daughters, my grandchildren and all children. As a member of Mothers Out Front, I urge you to withdraw the proposed changes to SEC Rule 14a-8.

I care, as do many other moms, because the proposed rule change will make it more difficult for regular people, not corporations, to protect our children. The SEC must protect moms and dads, children and grandchildren: the regular people. Large corporations will be fine without the proposed rule changes, the regular people and ALL our children will not.

For the record, I have investments in funds that are marketed as sustainable. I choose them precisely because I am worried about the impact of climate change on my children, my grandchildren, and all children.

Corporate actions have major impacts on climate, and shareholder proposals are an important way for informed investors like me to have a voice.

Please reject this proposed change.

Thank you,
Francine Vidockler, Esq.
BBO # 509420