Subject: File No. S7-23-19
From: Gabriela Romanow

January 19, 2020

File Number S7-23-19
Rule 14a-8

January 2020

Dear Chairman Clayton and SEC Commissioners:

I am writing to request that you withdraw proposed changes to SEC Rule 14a-8.

As an investor, I am always interested in voting on shareholder resolutions, board membership and accounting firms. If you reduce my ability to have some say in the workings of the companies with whom I invest, I will lose my voice, lose a say, and lose my rights to have some degree of influence on companies that might hold a key to my future and that of my children.

Companies operate in a corporate bubble. Shareholder resolutions are one of the few ways that they hear from those outside of that bubble. These resolutions may be one of the few ways that corporations hear dissenting viewpoints. I believe this is an important value in our democracy.

Many thanks for your consideration.

Again, I urge you to reject proposed changes to SEC Rule 14a-8, File Number S7-23-19.

Thank you,
Gabriela Romanow