Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: Joy Rosenberry Chase

Jan. 9, 2020


Rule Comments,
I am a teacher and my husband works for a telephone company as a programmer. The SEC should be INCREASING requirements for corporate responsibility to its workers, the community, and the country, not decreasing them by making shareholder proposals harder to submit! Executive compensation should be lowered to no more than 50 times the lowest-paid worker in the firm and human rights and environmental responsibility should be MANDATORY considerations in companies' decision-making process. The SEC is supposed to protect Americans' interests and keep citizens from being exploited by business. This means supporting equitable pay, human rights, and environmental responsibility. All of these things are impacted by the shareholder proposals. Stop tilting rules in favor of corporate CEOs and in favor of exploiting the American public and the American financial system!!!!
Joy Rosenberry Chase 