Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: John Kolstoe

Jan. 07, 2020


Rule Comments,
As share holders of a corporation, we are given an ownership. This allows a voice in shaping policy. Those who determine policy are the “sovereigns”. The function of any governing body is to optimize the freedom of the sovereign - that would include reducing obstacles to presenting shareholder proposals. As a physician I have been 1) self employed 2) employed by a physician owned group practice (as a shareholder) as well as 3) employed by corporate hospital systems. 
In any of these settings, shareholder opinions/ideas are crucial to innovating change, which, unfortunately, is sometime threatening to the corporate administration. None the less, it is important to the healthy evolution of the corporation. 
It is sad to think we would need to ask for “government regulations” to allow the owners of the corporation (shareholders) to allow freedom of speech to help shape policy in our own corporate policies.
John Kolstoe, MD
John Kolstoe 