Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: Thereasa Crabb

Jan. 7, 2020

Rule Comments,
Dear SEC, 
I am a working manager and a voter. My 403 B funds from my job as Director of Religious Education at a Catholic Church are invested in the stock market. It is extremely important to me that I be able to monitor corporate responsibility and accountability regarding their stance on social justice issues. I want my money to speak for ME not for corporate CEOs. I do not want any new rules in favor of corporate CEOs. I am a firm believer in less regulation; however, many corporations put their own interests above the common good. As my mother always said, rules are made for people who don’t make rules for themselves. It is time to put people above corporations. I won’t stand for anything less. 
Thereasa Crabb 
Thereasa Crabb 