Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: Susan Kepner

Jan. 7, 2020

Rule Comments,
My husband and I are retired investors , which pays our bills and supports our medical and housing needs. So far we have chosen to invest in some Green stocks and mutual funds as well as other companies that support our values, like paying labor living wages and benefits and not having excessive CEO salaries. Being able as a shareholder to make proposals helps us to have our concerns heard. Without this ability we are just pones of BIG CORPORATE CEO's who will just continue to ravage our work force, our lands, and fill their pockets. America is only as good as it's work force. It is only as good as it's clean air and water, green forests and open spaces, and peoples rights to healthcare, a living wage and housing. Corporate America has a RESPONSIBILITY to help and protect. NOW is NOT the time to bend the rules to favor BIG BUSINESS!!! NOW is the time to work together. Profits for BIG BUSINESS can still grow and we all can benefit, BUT we need a "watchdog" o n Corporations. Otherwise we will loose our democracy . Is Fascism not far behind?
Susan Kepner 