Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: D'Arcy Goodrich

Jan. 7, 2020


Rule Comments,
I am a semi-retired teacher. Semi- because I can't afford to totally retire yet. I do have a pension plan and I have made modest investments in the stock market, but need to be careful with my money to protect my future. 
I am very concerned about the actions of corporations. Executive compensation is way over the top. Yet the workers are not taken care of. They have unfair demands put on them. Their health may even be put at risk. Many corporations don't care about their workers making a living wage, having access to good healthcare, or being able to take care of their families. Corporations don't care about taking care of the environment. If it will affect their obscene profits they won't pay to protect the world we live in. 
I don't want SEC rules that are slanted in favor or corporate CEOs and their profits. I want SEC rules that protect the world I live in. I want rules that ultimately protect my family. I want rules that allow families to earn a living wage and work in healthy conditions. 
Corporations, CEOs, and profits are not more important than people and families. Please make rules that do not put an unfair emphasis on corporate profit. Protect our world and our families for the future. It's your future too.
D'Arcy Goodrich 