Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: Andrew Jimney

Jan. 7, 2020


Rule Comments,
To whom it may concern, 
I am deeply concerned that Corporate CEOs want the SEC to make it harder to submit shareholder proposals at company annual meeting. These shareholder proposals encourage companies to act more responsibly on important social policy issues such as protecting pension plans, reforming executive pay and protecting the envirorment.
I work as an electrician and I am invested in a 401k and a pension plan. As my retirement from the electrical industry approaches my financial well being depends on my investments and pension. Working people such as myself are dependent on shareholder proposals as part of a democratic process that holds corporate CEOs accountable. 
I cannot let big corporations and their lobbyists speak for me. I do not want the rules rolled back that protect the rights of Main Street investors and tilted in favor of corporations and their CEOs.
Andrew Jimney
Andrew Jimney 