Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: Darlene Norwood

Jan. 7, 2020


Rule Comments,
I am a Main Street investor writing to say I do not want the SEC to make it harder to submit shareholder proposals at company annual meetings. I believe it would be a mistake to silence voices outside the boardroom that may have something valuable to contribute. My understanding is that this, in fact, happens rarely, so I am a bit perplexed about the necessity to change the rule. If it's to close down dissent, then I object.
As a retired person, my pensions and investments comprise the bulk of what I depend upon for my day by day living. My investments work in my name and are part of my power in the world. I do not knowingly invest in companies that do harm to their shareholders or customers. I see no reason for the SEC to put me and my investments at risk unless they see compelling reasons to do so. On this issue, it would seem the SEC should side with policies that encourage companies to act more respectfully and responsibly . I thank you for your attention to my comment.
Darlene Norwood 