Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: Barbara Pohl

Jan. 7, 2020

Rule Comments,
I am retired and have invested in stocks as part of my savings plan. Most of my IRA funds are invested to supplement my Social Security and I wish to do so responsibly. I want to invest in corporations that produce jobs in the US, that pay their fair share of taxes and that are concerned about labor standards, executive compensation, human rights and the environment. I want to avoid corporations that engage in practices that hurt their workers and who don't pay their employees a living wage thus forcing us taxpayers to subsidize them.It is critical corporations hear from their shareholders and shareholder proposals as part of a democratic process that holds corporate CEOs accountable. America can be great again if everyone is given an opportunity to earn a decent wage for an honest day's work, not just upper management. 
Barbara Pohl 