Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: Sue Sauvageau

Jan. 7, 2020

Rule Comments,
Hello SEC, 
I am employed in County Government as Director of Weights & Measures where I work full time to insure equity in the market place by enforcing fair stands for commercial sales involving weights and other forms of measure. Grocery stores, Gas stations, farms, gravel companies, etc. are very familiar with these regulations and services. As an investor and a pension owner, I believe that corporate responsibility and fair standards are also important. Citizen investors need access and the ability to bring improvements to the corporations that they invest their hard earned money in. The abilities to influence the rules should not be only in the hands of CEOs who reap huge benefits anyway. Please do NOT make it more difficult for stockholders to influence labor standards, executive compensation, human rights and environmental issues. The process for proposed changes should be made easier not more complex and impossible to navigate. S7-23-19 Comments for Submission)
Sue Sauvageau 