Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: David Stutsman

Jan. 7, 2020


Rule Comments,
As an accountant an IT manager I fed into my pension for years. I have held investments since the late 1950's and I have always cared about and saw very little of corporate responsibility. Corporations are designed to remove everyday workers ability to do th he right thing. Managers have very little control to make real impact on workers quality of life or lessen the negative aspects of corporate policy on society. I certainly do not want extremely overpaid corporate CEO's to be able to limit shareholder proposals. I find myself voting against every corporate proposal because I wan t corporations to focus on benefiting people and society before profits. That is why shareholder proposals are so important. If not for them no corporation would undertake a program that benefited society. Corporate lobbyists that write these horrible proposals should be jailed along with the corporate heads they work for.
David Stutsman 