Subject: S7-23-19 Comments for Submission
From: Rae Rawley

Jan. 7, 2020


Rule Comments,
Dear SEC Officials, 
I have participated in supporting the economy through stock investments for many decades, initially while working for Intel Corporation and now as a professor at a public college. Investors and employees like me continue to experience an erosion of legal protections. This is one in a long list over the past several decades. Employees and other main street investors need an avenue in which to our voices heard by the executives who otherwise may not have access to our insights. Shareholder proposals is one of the few opportunities left to a population with decreasing power, more information about decisions and impacts leading to growing discontent and trust in the economic and governmental systems. At the very least, retain the right for shareholder proposals.
Rae M. Rawley
Rae Rawley 