Subject: File No. S7-23-18
From: Jake Sleder

November 5, 2018


1. Have you ever considered purchasing a variable annuity? : yes

2. The sample summary prospectus is divided into eight sections. Please indicate which two sections you found to be the most useful, and which two sections you found to be the least useful, in describing the variable annuity
a. Overview of the Variable Annuity Contract : Least Useful :
b. Important Information You Should Consider About the Contract : Most Useful :
c. Standard Death Benefit : Least Useful : Should be o e of the other benefits. Doesn't deserve it's own section.
d. Other Benefits Available Under the Contract : Most Useful :

3. The sample summary prospectus includes a section named Overview of the Variable Annuity Contract. Does that section provide clear information?
If no, what other information would make this clearer? : It thinks of a VA as a long annuity when few use it for that purpose.

4. The section named Important Information You Should Consider About the Contract includes a table. Do you think the table is clear?

5. The sample summary prospectus describes what you would pay for the variable annuity, including upfront fees and future fees. Was this description clear?

6. Variable annuities may offer optional insurance benefits that you can purchase for extra fees. The sample summary prospectus describes these optional benefits.
A. Does the sample summary prospectus describe these optional benefits clearly?
If no, what other information would make this clearer?
Tell me how much I get.
B. Does the sample summary prospectus describe the extra fees associated with these optional benefits clearly?

7. When you purchase a variable annuity, you decide how to invest your money by selecting one or more available mutual funds. The sample summary prospectus includes a table of mutual funds that are available as investment options. Does this table provide the information that you would want to consider when choosing mutual funds?

8. After reading the sample summary prospectus, how likely would you be to request the full prospectus for more information on the following topics?
Investment options (mutual funds) offered under the variable annuity : Likely
Standard death benefit: Neither Likely Nor Unlikely
Optional insurance features (also called optional benefits or riders) : Likely
Fees (how much the variable annuity costs) : Likely
Mechanics of how a variable annuity works (how to purchase, accessing money, annuitization, etc.) : Neither Likely Nor Unlikely

9. Is the length of the document:
About right

10. How would you prefer to receive/read a document like the sample summary prospectus?
In an email

11. Do you have any additional suggestions for improving the summary prospectus? Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your experience with variable annuities?