Subject: S7-22-22: WebForm Comments from Retail Investor
From: Retail Investor
Affiliation: CPA

Oct. 11, 2022

October 11, 2022

 Dear SEC, it has come to my attention that rules and regulation proposed in 2008 post the great financial crisis (cough) still are yet to be enforced. This risk seems it could be systemic and something should be done to ensure the retail investor this market is still worth investing in. There is much lack of confidence and growing concern for bigger issues that could arise in which it may be advantageous to take everything out of the market like we have already seen FED officials, Execs and big money players already do.

It is extremely important to know about Private Fund derivatives that in combination could proposed significant risk to the overall markets as leverage and margin have grown tremendously the past few years. Particularly, Swaps must be disclosed along with Counterparty and Counter risk positions against said SWAP.

As stated above if multiple parties all obtain similar SWAPs, with exuberant leverage and margin A future systemic risk is only a matter of time away, if not already here.

Thank you,
Retail Investor