Subject: File No. S7-22-19
From: Nicole Paskowsky

January 31, 2020

January 31, 2020

Vanessa Countryman, Secretary
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549-0609

Re: File Number S7-22-19

Dear Miss Countryman,

I work for Walt Disney World and I do believe it is the happiest place on earth. Not only do dreams come true for our guests, young and old, the company itself takes excellent care of its employees. I contribute to my 401(k) and receive a company match from Disney. People may think nothing we do at Disney World is serious, but employees here are real people and we make real decisions—real adult decisions—for our futures.

Like any responsible adult, and regardless of how fun our work environment is, I pay attention to what my retirement money is doing. Im concerned that there is not currently enough oversight in the corporate governance system as it relates to shareholder rights and I hope that rules from the SEC based on the 2018 roundtable will change this.

Individual shareholders like me are distant enough as it is from the way our retirement funds are handled at the nuts and bolts level. Shareholder proposals are one way we can have a voice in the way things are run, and that is important. It is equally important that shareholder proposals that are a waste of time or that have no real support not be given the time and attention of real issues. Investing is not a participation-trophy sport—not all proposals are equal and not all proposals deserve unlimited consideration.

I hope the SEC finalizes a new rule that provide greater oversight on proxy advisory firms.

Thank you for considering my concerns,

Nicole Paskowsky
Orlando, FL