Subject: 57-22-19
From: Richard Egger

December 11, 2019

My Name is Richard Egger and I have lived in the Norfolk/Chesapeake & now the Virginia Beach area all of my 53 years on this planet. I am a proud American & Proud to have Donald J Trump as my President.  

The SEC’s job is to protect elderly citizens who have given their life savings that they have worked hard for to these funds so they don’t lose money to inflation and so that it might even grow beyond that so that when they are too old to work they will have enough money to live off of and proudly take care of themselves for the rest of their lives.  These proxy firms shall not donate $1 of these citizens money to any political group, social issues and especially radical interests as it is not their money to do so and if caught should do jail time like 20 years minimum. They must know that they have a responsibility to these investors’ money and that this will not be tolerated whatsoever at all.  

Thank You Chairman Clayton for standing up to these radical wackos and enforcing this law to protect these innocent elderly American citizens so that they can be at ease and feel safe with their investments at this most vulnerable times of their last chapter in their lives.