Subject: File No. S7-20-21
From: Ian Rice
Affiliation: Electrician

February 19, 2022

Hello, Im not very good at articulating my thoughts on this subject so bare with me.
As a single employed 38 year old dad who has been in the markets for some time. Seems to me there has to be a huge percentage of insider trading going on in our markets today. With congress being able to partake as well. With pay outs from hedge funds to senators, mayors, anybody with political pull could be bought out and be paid for a agenda. Wheather its for political reasons or personal gain Im sure this is gapping as we speak and has been for some time. The use of pfof is an example of a legal loophole to do this as well. There is so much money coming from hedge funds like say citadel who have overflowing pockets that know their too big to fail and if fined will not hurt them one bit. They know this so its business as usual. Citadel as an example. Im assuming most hedge funds are doing this and are talking with eachother behind closed doors. I have never seen such what looks like 100% manipulation of certain stocks. Either up or down. This has to end Even if its going to be another 08. We need to get these people who are breaking the law out of here Naked short selling is another huge one Im positive is going on Im very concerned for not only myself but for every hard working person not only in America but world wide abd yes this is affecting everyone but the 1% and makes me feel less and less of an American by the day. Im sad, mad, cunfused, outraged, surprised and not surprised all in one Please help we need real enforcement, we need criminals not fined but in jail to show this is real and serious If I made fake bills I would go to prison if a hedge fund is short a stock and makes naked shares they get a slap on the wrist. Its unfair and tbh embarrassing. These guys could get away with about anything it seems. So again please help put these bad people where they belong. Thank you for your time. God bless you.