Subject: File No. S7-19-07
From: Anonymous Canadian Shareholder

July 9, 2008

Dear Chairman Cox,

Ms. Nancy M. Morris, Secretary
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F. Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549-1090

Re: Comments on Proposed Amendments to Regulation SHO
File No S7-19-07

Dear Secretary Morris:

I appreciate the opportunity to provide comments on the Commissions proposed amendments to Regulation SHO.

I am a Canadian investor that has only ever invested in OTC and Pink Sheet U.S. stocks. I have invested primarily with the hope of helping startup companies to obtain the capital needed to grow their business and at the same time, the alure to me of making more than an average return on investment, when compared with more costly blue chip companies and the risk reward involved.

I have always supported and believed in the United States. Over the last 10 years, I have witnessed the destruction of several OTC and Pink Sheet companies that I have invested many multiple thousands of dollars. I have also heard of thousands of other companies also destroyed in like manner. I have come to learn that these companies were Naked Short sold into oblivion under your careful watch. I have lost pretty much all of my life's savings just trying to make a fair return on my money and make a little better life for my family and those around me. Your markets allowed for no such fairness and in fact, I believe you aided the crooks in turning a blind eye to this thievery and the creation of loopholes to facilitate this counterfeiting fraud.

Your markets have contributed to a culture that caters to the greed of very evil and corrupt people. The soon destruction of the entire U.S. economy is inevitable. I sometimes wonder if it wasn't planned all along. I wish you well in trying to fix what will now take a divine miracle. It's possible but highly unlikely, surely the handwriting is on the wall. Good Luck and God Bless should you decide to go against the very evil you allowed to permeate within your own house. To put it politely, you went to the bathroom in your nest, now you must sit in it.

I support the Commissions proposed elimination of Regulation SHOs options market maker exception and encourage the Commission to complete the administrative steps to accomplish this change as quickly as possible (e.g., by years end). The options market maker exception has been a well known tool of manipulation and must be eliminated promptly to ensure a level playing field for public companies and shareholders.

I commend the Commissions recent action to strengthen Regulation SHO through the elimination of Regulation SHOs grandfather provision. I am also pleased that over the past several months that Chairman Cox has personally spoken about the abuses of naked short selling and the need to end this manipulative practice. However, I remain concerned that, despite the Commissions recent efforts and Chairman Coxs public comments, these abuses continue.

While the elimination of the options market maker exception and the grandfather provision will significantly strengthen Regulation SHO, these changes alone will not adequately solve the problem that results in continued naked short selling and failures-to-deliver. I request that the Commission (1) impose in Regulation SHO a requirement of a firm location of shares to be borrowed before a short sale can be executed, and (2) enable transparency by requiring timely disclosure of the volume of failures-to-deliver shares of companies on the Regulation SHO threshold list. The Commission should issue and complete promptly a notice of proposed rulemaking to implement these two critical components of effective Regulation SHO reform.

Anonymous and VERY Harmed Canadian Shareholder