Subject: File No. S7-19-07
From: naut 2 bad, mr

July 9, 2008

The time has come for the SEC to stop the delay. There has been ample time for counterfeiting to be deemed illegal.

There has been ample time for the Market makers to unravel their positions.

The re-opening of the comment period does not help the investors.

It only buys time for the SEC. This delay has done one thing. It allows the SEC to save face by not having to arrest dozens of highly respected self-regulated brokers and market makers.

The Financial Markets are based on confidence. The SEC is stalling so they don't have to expose the rampant criminal activity that they know is a major ongoing problem. Naked Short Selling, Counterfeiting and Stealing from innocent companies and investors must be stopped now.

There are no excuses left.

There is no reason the SEC needs our comments on the legality of Counterfeiting. The only reason they are asking for our comments is to delay the process.

Counterfeiting and Stealing are illegal.

What more reason do we need?