Subject: File No. S7-19-07
From: al ho

July 7, 2008

Let me be the first to say, in my opinion, the SEC has no urgency to Enforce meaningful Regulations related to anti-fraud and anti-money laundering activities. The re-opening of comments on Regulation SHO, ties into illicit trading and clearing activities. The delay of enforcement is only to assist those whom have caused havic in the market place. The delaying of Regulation SHO Regulations, will only allow more time for illicit activties to occur. Your statement, " In view of the continuing public interest in the Proposal we believe that it is appropriate to re-open the comment period to provide the public with additional information before we take action on the Proposal." Since when is there public interest all of a sudden ? As an indiviual investor, and I speak for many, I am so fed up with the illegal activities of Brokerages and Banks I will refrain from spending more of my hard earned taxed income on the American Stock Markets. If the SEC decides to finally do real Enforcement, it will be a miracle. I don't believe that will happen, in my opinion.