Subject: File No. S7-19-07
From: Russell Crow
Affiliation: BSEE

August 13, 2007

Read the Summary of your own proposal and JUST DO IT You know it's the right and fair thing to do. Stop proposing and act. PLEASE Make the US market a fair and level playing field and put a stop to the corruption which occurs with heavily shorted stocks having high Fails to Deliver, many of which never get a chance to recover and cause untold financial damages to individuals who did their homework and due diligence on a company only to discover that opportunity takes a back seat to manipulation. You alone have the power and authority to correct this situation. You also have the responsibility. ACT on it

Eliminate the OMM exception

Should brokers and dealers document the location of the securities being sold? Are you kidding? is that really even a question? Come on guys, stop the games Do what you know is right.