Subject: File No. S7-19-07
From: Jerry K Brantley
Affiliation: Retired Service Engineer Caterpillar Inc.

July 20, 2008

As an investor with 6 trading accounts you need to make all NSS illegal with fines and prison terms for offenders. Give 3 days for the trade to clear and if it does not it becomes a NSS if not canceled. NSS is close to destroying the system that made us great. The Prime Brokers own hedge funds, mm's, and brokers often in the same location and they work together to use NSS to destroy the market for a profit. Make it simple all NSS illegal and offenders go broke with large fines and prison. Give the fines back to the wronged investors.

The problems are too big to go back and correct all of the past. Prorate the past and set a date and control the future. We can not lead the world with our markets corrupt as they are today. Have guts enough to get the job done. Do it before it is too late.

Jerry K. Brantley