Subject: Comment letter for File Number S7-18-23 Volume Based Exchange Transaction Pricing for NNS Stocks
From: David Helfrich

Dec. 28, 2023

Hi – This mail od concern is sent by David John Helfrich 
Thanks so much for your time.
I am contacting you to express my opposition to the proposed rider being considered for inclusion in the final appropriations bill that would defund the SEC's efforts to reform equity market structure, including regulations Best Ex, OCR and NMS. These rules are critical for modernizing our markets, reducing concentration and increasing transparency and competition. 
The SEC's efforts to reform equity markets and put an end to excessive off-exchange trading are under attack. There is literally a parallel trading system off-exchange . We, INDIVIDUAL INVESTORS, will not accept a system that manipulates, monetizes and leeches off us, and we stand united, empowered to effect positive change for ourselves, our families and our communities.

They are not enough - they are just the start of the comprehensive overhaul needed in our markets, markets that affect investors like me from all around the world . I urge you to listen to your constituents and ensure this rider is not included. I also want to express support for the efforts of We The Investors, especially in pushing for a trade-at rule in place of the Order Competition Rule. It is imperative that the Trade-at Rule replaces the Order Competition Rule . The US Stock Market is slowly but surely becoming known as a wholesome corrupt system whereby the Single Investor’s like me have no chance at all .
Investors should be offered a choice about how their purchase orders are settled, know when their trades are executed, and that their shares are actually owned and transferred. Investors need visibility into stock loan, margin and netting, short selling and failure-to-deliver processes. Barriers that remove or artificially skew an investor’s choice should be removed from the system without delay.
So in saying all that , whatever can be done to assist the small investor is really needed . We cannot be a lasting part of this non-transparent system without your help and assistance .

Yours sincerely 

David Helfrich
West Beach