Subject: Comments on S7-18-23
From: Lars Wohlfahrt

Oct. 18, 2023

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my strong support for the Securities and
Exchange Commission's (SEC) Proposed Rule 6b-1 in light of recent
developments in the financial market. Transparency is the cornerstone of
market integrity, and the proposed rule's disclosure requirements are a
commendable initiative aimed at enhancing transparency in the financial

In a rapidly evolving financial landscape, more detailed disclosure
plays a key role in strengthening the foundations of markets. By
providing comprehensive information, this proposal has the potential to
empower various stakeholders, including retail investors. They will have
the means to better comprehend and assess the intricate dynamics of the
market, ultimately leading to more informed decisions and greater market

One of the key aspects to consider in the context of transparency is
accessibility. Transparency can only be truly effective if the disclosed
information is easily accessible. To achieve this, I recommend making
these disclosures available on both the SEC's and the exchanges'
websites. Such a move will ensure maximum visibility and reach, enabling
a wide range of stakeholders to access this critical information with ease.

The overall impact of these measures will be a substantial improvement
in the fairness and transparency of the securities market. This, in
turn, will significantly enhance investor protection. With the increased
accessibility to comprehensive information, investors will be better
equipped to make sound financial decisions, and regulators will have
better tools to monitor and maintain market integrity.

Furthermore, enhanced transparency will also serve to foster trust and
confidence among market participants. When everyone has access to the
same information, it levels the playing field and reduces information
asymmetry. This, in turn, can lead to fairer and more efficient markets.

In conclusion, the SEC's Proposed Rule 6b-1 is a critical step toward
ensuring the continued health and stability of the financial markets. It
upholds the fundamental principles of transparency and accessibility,
benefitting all market participants and contributing to the long-term
prosperity of the financial sector. I wholeheartedly support this
initiative and believe that its implementation will be a significant
milestone in the evolution of the securities market.


Lars Wohlfahrt