Subject: File No. S7-18-23
From: Jack T Pieper

Hello again! My name is Jack Pieper. I am a US citizen and voter, as well as a participant in the US markets. I believe that more disclosures can only benefit our markets because it levels the information playing field for everyone. More data and reporting can also give the SEC the ability to monitor potential problems' before they become to large to handle. I fully support this rule change to the Securities Act (S7-18-23), and I encourage the SEC to continue on their mission of making markets safer and more accessible for EVERYONE, not just the people with the most money or influence. My thanks to Chair Gensler for trying to push for change, and a very un-thankyou to Chair Peirce, who has shown time and time again she is in the pockets of the hedge funds, rather than the people. Thank you for your time, Jack