Subject: File No. S7-18-23
From: Sean Mann

In reference to file number S7-18-23: I strongly believe that the SEC's proposal to address volume-based exchange transaction pricing for NMS stocks is an excellent move to level the playing field for smaller broker-dealers. I believe this will help level the playing field and reduce the dominance that large brokers have over the market which, in turn, will improve sentiment and confidence in our stock markets. I'd also like to thank Chairman Gensler's efforts in helping to level the playing field for everyday investors in the stock market. The current system is thoroughly broken and it is clear that large players are influencing the market in a way that only benefits them and at the cost of many company's and peoples' livelihood. I am appalled by some of the other SEC Commissioners opposed to recent changes as they appear to have only the large market makers and dealer broker interests in mind. Thank you for your work in making this country's securities markets more stable and fair.