Subject: S7-18-21 comments
From: Edwin Liew

May. 04, 2023


I agree with the proposed. 

I support eliminating the ability to "hide within the aggregate"; transparency means transparency and aggregates are not transparent. 

I support the 15 minute reporting requirement saying the cost and effort are justified to prevent fraud and prevent hiding in loopholes. 

Short selling in the dark harms true competition and price discovery. The idea that a small number of short-selling funds "know best" and can hammer unsuspecting companies in the dark is shameful. 

Increased transparency means household investors have a much better idea of the risks of our decisions and transactions if we can see who is targeted which companies. If funds are allowed to short in the dark, retail investors remain dangerously unaware of the risks they take on when purchasing securities. 

Thanks for taking the time to read my comments. 
