Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Concernced Citizen
From: Concernced Citizen

Oct. 31, 2022


 October 31, 2022

 Dear SEC,

  I am in no way a lawyer or pretend to understand or care to even speak in such a way that would make it seem that I am.

  I would like to kindly and politely state that this rule needs to be passed in its entirety no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

  With how easy it has become for these predatory financial companies to do malicious acts and hide them in different ways, what we need now is transparency in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE.

  There is NO reason on this green and blue earth that anyone can give other than 'Crime' to the ask of more transparency, so GIVE IT

  I as an enthusiastic investor can provide a sort of front line review for this type of information. It does nothing but open up the windows of truth to let in more fresh air to get all that BS out in the open.

  Please, put this rule into act ASAP Use the powers that you have to hold those accountable for their actions, and work with those that can help extend your justice to those that deserve it.

  Do what you were brought forth to do. . . enforce.