Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Anonymous
From: Anonymous

Oct. 31, 2022


 October 31, 2022

 Report the shares you lend out every 15 minutes you say? Fantastic. With the aid of technology this will be easily done, and the transaction by transaction reporting will be great to prevent the hiding in aggregate that market participants may do.

Lending shares for short selling in the dark can lead to companies being victimized by financial predators, and not only companies but also families and everyday people. It is impossible for one entity to know best for everything without being able to take a step back and not act explicitly in self interest.

Short selling is not an investment, its a bet against a company. The market volitility from squeezes would be less of an issue if short selling is chilled out with some transparency.

Retail will benefit from this greater transparency, as making informed investment decisions is a great idea. Not only will retail benefit, the market in general will as it will add the ability for retail to proof what other market participants are doing, and call out any shady business that is happening. In recent times retail has proven to be quite the scrubber for this kind of data, let them have it.