Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Aaron Rosario
From: Aaron Rosario

Oct. 31, 2022


 October 31, 2022

 Market makers are creating synthetic and naked shares on so many securities that I fear for the future of our economy. Borrowed shares are passed around between broker dealers and this information makes me question the underlying security. Shares are being washed in the dark pools to lower share prices and shake retail investors out of investments... AT A LOSS. We need to know WHO is borrowing and lending shares. Need to retail investors to know that their shares are being used against them in the dark pools BY DEFAULT, through no choice of their own. The return of shorted securities should not be able to be kicked down the road the forever indefinitely locking investors until the market maker has covered their positions, TELL US WHEN AND HOW MUCH NOW. There is rampant crime and corruption going on in the dark pools and it needs to be stopped. All shares from major brokerages are going into these robbery mires by default. Give us the data so we can react accordingly and call a spade
  a spade.