Subject: Reporting of SecuritiesLoans (FILE # S7-18-21)
From: Jason Shepherd

Oct. 30, 2022


Vanessa Countryman, Secretary 
Securities and Exchange Commission 
100 F Street, NE  
Washington, DC 2054-90609 

The current methodology of Swaps, Shorts, and Securities Lending reporting and enforcement is not as transparent, forthcoming, nor is it communicating a fair and equal marketplace for retail investors.  release of # 34--93613 in regards to S7-18-21 would be a fantastic step in the correct direction to allow progress towards a fair & equitable marketplace.   

       I support transparency, in the form of open public display of data in regards to the utilization of swaps, Short positions, and securities lending.  As these are a threat to the free markets that you are supposed to uphold and protect.   The "kicking of the can" would not be tolerated from a retail investor and the rules should apply unilaterally to all participants.  The rule as listed under 13H-1 in reference to Large Traders, allows extreme risk with no accountability and the Swap Reporting Requirements of parts 45 & 46 of the CFTC regulations shall be enforced immediately as it has been nearly 10 years since the original rule was edited to allow opened positions (short positions) to push the bad bets out to avoid liquidation.   As a retail investor I am voicing my concern for open and fair enforcement of the rules and regulations to all actors in this marketplace.  

Madam Secretary,    


Thank you, Jason Shepherd